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Image by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

Your body is an intelligent feedback system.

Imagine you are standing in front of hundreds of people ready to give a speech. You start to wonder, "Am I prepared for this? What if I forget what to say?" These thoughts lead to emotions of panic, fear, worry, and doubt. Soon, you may start to sweat or feel a knot forming in your stomach. This is the mind/body connection! Your thoughts and beliefs lead to emotions which leads to a physical response. 


Did you know this same process can lead to chronic pain in the body? Think back to when your pain manifested. What was going on in your life emotionally? Relationship issues? Job stress? It is normal to feel an array of emotions as humans, but the problem comes when these emotions get stuck in the body. 

Through my experience as a massage therapist, I have encountered many people living in chronic pain. I've heard similar stories. "I've tried physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage, etc., but the pain still comes back." 

Let me help you identify the root of your chronic pain! In my sessions, I draw upon the research of mind-body pioneers such as Dr. John E. Sarno, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, and Louise Hay and use my intuition for insight into your personal situation. Once we have a clearer understanding of the stuck emotions/beliefs, I utilize Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as well as PSYCH-K® Balances to create change. To learn more about these modalities, click on the "Modalities" tab above.

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