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Image by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos


Hello! My name is Renee Mendenhall. I am an intuitive mindbody coach and educator. I help people with chronic physical or emotional pain understand the connection between their physical body and their inner thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.


The physical body is an amazing, intelligent feedback system. What we feel on the inside will eventually show up on the outside. This not only pertains to our bodies but our environment and outward circumstances. We are constantly creating based on our inner thoughts and emotions!

I am quite passionate about this topic because I have healed from both chronic pain as well as mental and emotional distress through mindbody awareness and transformational tools.


Before becoming a mindbody educator, I was a public school music teacher for 10 years. Although I loved many aspects of this position, I found myself telling people, "I teach middle school band, but I'm meant to do something with natural healing." I eventually took a leap of faith and left my career to pursue this calling.

I enrolled in massage school to get my license to touch. I also became certified in the Eden Method (an energy medicine course designed by Donna Eden). Through a personal experience with chronic hip pain, I stumbled upon the work of Dr. John E. Sarno (an amazing mindbody pioneer). At that time, I started to understand the connection between what I was going through emotionally and the pain manifesting in my hip. I followed Sarno's suggestions and was healed from my physical pain soon after. I still struggled with other issues, however, such as chronic anxiety and limiting beliefs and thoughts. I continued searching and discovered German New Medicine (Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's incredible discoveries of the specific biological/emotional conflicts associated with a myriad of "dis-eases.") I then became an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner as well as PSYCH-K® facilitator. These modalities were the final pieces of the puzzle for me in my own personal healing, and I consider them to be powerful, transformative tools. I am also a certified Freedom from Chronic Pain Practitioner. 

In my work with clients, I draw upon the wisdom of Dr. Sarno and Dr. Hamer. I utilize EFT and PSYCH-K® in addition to my gift of intuition to identify and release stuck emotions and blocks. 

You are an amazing being with the capacity to heal within yourself! If you change your thoughts, you will change not only your body but your life!

Much love,


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